what does ax mean in treasure signs

what does ax mean in treasure signs

Friends It is known that the Ax mark is used by the Angels, the Greeks and the Armenians. It is known that the 2 axes of the ax sign is the door here, this door is the door to reach after reaching a certain distance from the dark road. This Door is Opened to the Temple of Time, There are Enormous Religious Objets Found Inside. Another View: Whether or not the back side of the Bullion's Fleet has been done. We recommend that you take care of the Old Historic Trees in the opposite direction, which is comparable to the two-edged one. The complementary sign will most likely be a tree. We can use it in the Mathematics Account where the Trees do not exist. The position of the land should be examined carefully by using the folds of the crescent by turning the directional meter which is controlled by measuring the height of the crest. Apart from this, Ax Signs can be used together with Human or Different Figures, Yet, According to Greek Mythology, Upper Body of Human Body, Subatomic Horse. The site may be a zone for inward civilizations. Reporting the Region to the Museum will be a Righteous Behavior as a Healer.

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