treasure places adıyaman


The civilizations in Adıyaman

For many years, the name of the city referred to as "Hısnımansûr" in the region of the settlement dates back to quite ancient periods. Hittite, Hurri, Mitanni, Kummuh, Assyria, Persia, Seleukos, Commagene Kingdom and Roman and Byzantine Dominion were seen throughout the region. From the 7th century onwards, the Islamic raids started to be seen in the region and in 670 the settlement was in the area of ​​the Umayyad. Today's Castle was built by Mansûr Bin Ca'vene, one of the Umayy commanders. Passed to the Abbasid Sovereignty in 758, Hısnımansûr passed to the Byzantine period after the Hamdaniler period between 926-958. In the 11th century, the settlement was received by the Seljuk commander Gümüştekin in 1066 for the first time. Artuklu, Eyyubi And Seljuk, Ilhanli, Akkoyunlu, Dulkadirogullari And Mamluk's domination in 1515 after the Ottoman Empire was passed.

In 1519, the Ottoman Empire, Sanjak Province Sanjak Settlement Settled in 1531, was an accident due to the Elbistan Sanjak. In the year 1519, the first demolition of the settlement was about 1,000 inhabitants. Hısnımansûr was connected to Maraş again in 1563 and it remained in this position for many years. 1841'de Accident in the Arrangement After the settlement, in 1849 was brought to the province of Diyarbekir Province as a starboard. In 1859, Malatya Sanjak was connected to the province of Mamuret-ul-aziz in 1883. During the Republican Period, Hısnımansûr remained the district of Malatya from 1923 to 1954. On June 22, 1954, Adıyaman became the Central District with the establishment of the province.


A Major Part of the Atatürk Dam is Located in the Adiyaman Province.
The old name of the settlement was Hısnımansûr (Mansur's Castle) and took its name today. It is thought that his name came from Mansûr Bin Ca'vene who was one of the Emevi's commanders who came here in 7th century. According to another story, this name comes from the name of Mansoor, the Abbasid Caliph .

The History of Urban History in the Adıyaman Palanlı Cave It was understood that it reached to 4000 years. One of the historical findings at Samsat-şehremuz Tepe Paleolithic BC until 7000 BC Neolithic BC until 5000 years. The Chalcolithic Age and BC It is understood that the period of Bronze Age between 3000-1200 years. During this period, the region has changed hands between the Hittites and the Mitannis and the collapse of the Hittite State (1200 BC) A Dark Period has started. B.C. 1200 BC from the establishment of the Phrygian State BC. Written sources were not found in the period between 750 years. But; Hittite Hieroglyphic Inscriptions Found In Samsat, And Hittite Hieroglyphic Inscriptions Found In.

The Kummuh State, one of the late Hittite city states that emerged with the collapse of the Hittite State in this period, also reigns. B.C. Between 900-700 years, the Assyrian influence of the region, the Assyrians can not be fully dominant. From the beginning of the 6th century, the Persians are ruled by the region and the region is managed by the Satrap (governors). B.C. When the Macedonian King Alexander the Great entered Anatolia in Anatolia, the Persians Lost Their Dominion and Bc. Until the 1st century, Macedonian Selevkos dynasty ruled in the region.

At the time of the weakening of the power of this family, King Mithradetes 1 Kallinikos has declared the independence of the Commagene Kingdom. (BC 69) The capital Samosota (Samsat) Olam The Kingdom of Kommagene, the kingdom M.s. The History of the Roman Empire and the History of Adiyaman, the Roman Empire, Syria, the 6th Legion. Adıyaman became part of the Eastern Roman Empire after the Roman Empire was separated into Western and Eastern Rome in 395. Since the year 643, the Islamic Infantry to the region began to dominate the Islamic domination, but in 670 with the Umayyads. In 758, Ise 2nd of the Abbasid Commander Mansur İbni Cavene enters the domination. The Dominion of Hamdani, who was a Kurdish State at that time, began in Ii, which remained in the Abbasid Dominion until 926. In the year 958, the region goes back to the Byzantines.

1114-1181 Between the years of the Turkish flows will be. Between the years of 1204-1298 Samsat and the region seize the Anatolian Seljuks. Mongol Attacks During 1230 And 1250. In 1298, the province and the province passes to the Mamelukes. Adıyaman and the first time in the period of the Ottoman Beykemir1 from the local gentlemen in the period of Yıldırım Beyazıd1 1402 before the Ankara War Timur commanded by the commanders of the local social, political and political turbulence in the subsequent years as a result of the local gentlemen, the Mamelukes and then remained in the hands of the Dulkadiroğluları. Mainly Adıyaman's Enterance of the Ottomans In the Yavuz Sultan Selim Period After the Dulkadir Expedition

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