

Is it normal to be concerned?


Anxiety is a normal part of life.Fears Anyone can be concerned about different subjects in everyday life. Problems with a job, examination, health, money, children and family should grow up. In fact, anxiety, to some extent, allows us to be prepared to deal with our daily problems, and to make a quick decision in case of danger. Normally, this type of anxiety is mild and is manageable.
What is Common Anxiety Disorder?
People with Common Anxiety Disorder (GAD) have a “continuous, extreme and unsuitable state of concern de. Excessive anxiety adversely affects a person’s daily life and even prevents normal life activities.
In any case, these people think the worst possible result, everything is beyond their control, a good possibility or a return is not possible. Excessive anxiety and anxiety in GAD is generally related to health, family, money or work. The uncontrollable state of concern exists almost daily for at least six months and lasts throughout the day. depression
The lifetime prevalence of GAD is 5-6%. In other words, 5-6 of every 100 people can experience this discomfort at any time in their lives. Sensitivity increases with age. GAD is the most common anxiety disorder in the elderly.
What are the Symptoms of Common Anxiety Disorder?
Even if there is no real reason or cause, uncontrollable anxiety that is inappropriate with the situation is the main symptom of the disease. Most of the time, a person is aware that their concerns are excessive, but they cannot control their anxiety and cannot calm down.
They are known as ”overly evident Çev in their environment. Fatigue, attention deficit and difficulty in concentration, easily startle, sleeplessness and waking up at night are the other important symptoms.
GAB is often accompanied by some somatic symptoms that manifest as if there is a physical illness. These symptoms are: physical exacerbations such as unhealthy fatigue, headache and muscle pains, difficulty swallowing, tremors and tremors, sweating, intolerance, nausea, dizziness, hot flashes.
What is Common Anxiety Disorder?
Stresses play an important role in the development of GAD. The GAD, which started between childhood and young adulthood, shows slow and insidious development. Symptoms of the disease show periodic improvements and exacerbations.
When stressful life events occur, symptoms often worsen. Yaşam hereditary factors, changes in brain neurochemistry, personality traits and stressful life events oluş are effective in the development of the disease.
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Patients often resort to non-psychiatric physicians because of physical symptoms such as fatigue, tension, muscle pain and headache, and accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment may be delayed.
Can Common Anxiety Disorder Be Treated?
GAD is a treatable disease.
The first thing to do is to consult a psychiatrist. In addition to a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation at the initial presentation, some investigations will be conducted to understand whether these symptoms are caused by any physical illness.
The majority of the patients who receive treatment are benefited from the treatment. Psychotherapy or medication may be applied. It has been shown that one of these methods or their co-administration is effective. It will be appropriate to decide with your doctor what type of treatment may be right for you. A treatment suitable for one person may not be suitable for the other.
Antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs are used in the treatment of GAD. These drugs are also used in the treatment of depression and other anxiety disorders. It is well known that they are effective in GAD. The aim of treatment is to treat anxiety and tension rapidly.
The drugs used in treatment do not have serious side effects and addiction risks. The benzodiazepine group used for relieving anxiety in GAD is given with green prescription. fears This group of drugs can be used effectively and safely only when unuz at the doses and duration recommended by your doctor unuz.
The effect of drug treatment will not begin before several weeks. Drug therapy should last until the symptoms are completely resolved. After complete recovery, treatment should be continued for at least another year.

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