historical empires

historical empires

Abbasid Empire (750 – 1258) 508 Years
After the Ottoman Empire, it was the longest ruling state among the Islamic states. Hz. After the death of Muhammad, the Islamic world was ruled by four Caliphs and then the Umayyads (661-750). After Ali’s murder, Muawiyah was succeeded by the Caliph.

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Although the son of Muawiyah did not have the right to Yazid, he announced his caliphate and transformed the Caliphate into a Sultanate. The Abbasids descended from Abbas bin Abdülmuttalip, the uncle of Muhammad, rebelled against the Umayyad administration. In 750, they had both the caliphate and the power. Since then, the Abbasids have dominated much of the Islamic world until 1258.
In the Abbasid Empire, Turks were brought to important positions in the administration. Even the Abbasid Emperor Mutasim established a special military organization consisting only of Turks. In the period of his son Vasık’s succession, they took important duties in military and politics.
Upon the death of Vasık, the Abbasid Empire was in the process of disintegration and dozens of states were established in its territory. One of them, and the rulers of Iran, rulers of Baghdad ruled in 945 years.
So upon the call of Caliph Kaim, the sultans of the Great Seljuk State Sultans, Tuğrul Bey and Cagri Bey, removed the Bukharians from Baghdad in 1031 and reaffirmed the Abbasids. Ilhans, under the rule of Hulagu, the grandson of Genghis Khan, destroyed Baghdad in 1258 and killed all the dynasty members. Thus the 508-year-old Abbasid Empire was the last.
Ottoman Empire (1299 – 1923) 624 Years
The Ottoman Empire, one of its empires, ruled for 624 years. Osman Gazi, who was of Turkish origin of the Central Asian origin, was a member of the Kayı tribe of the Oghuz Turks. When Alaeddin Keykubad was taken to Iran by the Ilkhanians, he declared independence in the vacuum of authority.
The Ottoman Empire, which was established around Söğüt and Domaniç region, has expanded its borders in a short period of time by organizing flights to the Eastern Roman Empire, unlike other Turkish states, and becoming the first threat to the Byzantine Empire.
The Ottoman Sultan Mehmet Çelebi, who entered into a short period of Fetret Period upon the capture of Yıldırım Bayezid by Timur, the fourth sultan, ended his feud fights and returned to a regular administration. II.
In the so-called founding years, the Ottoman Empire increased its sovereignty in the Balkans and defeated the Crusades created by European states. Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror who took the throne at a young age, he recalled his father the throne.
From the time Murat died until his death at the age of 49, the Ottoman Empire succeeded in cutting all the aid channels to the Byzantine Empire.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) by terminating the Eastern Roman Empire and initiated the rise period.
According to most historians, this conquest ended the Middle Ages and started the New Age. The state rose to the empire with this conquest. In the period of Yavuz Sultan Selim, the Ottoman Empire which had conquered the conquest of the east, conquered Egypt and allowed the Caliphate to pass to the Ottoman Sultans.
In the period of Suleiman the Magnificent, he made great progress in Central Europe, ended the Kingdom of Hungary and reached the widest borders in his history.
II. In the time of Mustafa, the Ottoman Empire began to lose its land and the innovative movements started. Abdulmecid declared the Edict of Tanzimat and Islahat. Abdulhamid declared the Constitutional Monarchy and managed to remain on the throne for 33 years.
  After the loss of World War I, the Ottoman Empire lost its power with the succession of the Ottoman troops in Anatolia, which were not successful.
After the victory of the War of Independence and the abolition of the sultanate, the Ottoman Empire ended.historical empires

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