how was earth created

how was earth created

My dear brother,
The entity was not created and there was nothing but God. (See Bukhari, Megazia, 67) Almighty Allah wanted to know and know his people. He created the universe as a manifestation of his names and attributes. In a hadith, Allah Almighty said: uni I wanted to know and know that I am a hidden treasure. 132 (Acluni, II, 132). In other words, Almighty Allah created the universe to introduce himself. The purpose and purpose of creation is to recognize the creator. Allah created man in order to obey Him by worshiping and worshiping with faith.

how was earth created
how was earth created

God concealed himself and revealed his works. Because he introduces the master better. The aim is to uncover the hidden treasures and to conceal their work and to introduce the tools to put their work in a more perfect way. God’s treasures are hidden in their names. Because a perfectly unique secret cemal wants to be seen and seen from the eyes of those who see their beauty in the mirror and who are conscious of themselves and who are in love with them. 

This requires the presence of those who know, appreciate, and praise their work by seeing their names and adjectives. Almighty Allah created the universe and revealed its treasures. By creating people, the owner of these works, recognition of the creator and recognition by faith, made it necessary to obey to worship. When the purpose of creation is to believe in God, man accomplishes this goal by faith. An unforgivable human sin will be a company of Allah. That is why Allah Almighty Allah accepts the most slander against Allah, and God does not forgive anyone except to forgive every sin. He said (Surat an-Nisa: 4:48, 116)
How does existence define God’s existence? Just as the work introduces the master … The body says; To be faithful, to comprehend muhandis and müreccihe’in will, knowledge, will and power knowledge invented. This requires seeing, hearing and speaking features. So we understand the properties of God. As it is in this mind, Almighty Allah has guided people through the prophets and books as a requirement of His mercy

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