According to the archaeological research and findings, the first settlement in Amasya was BC. It began in 4000 BC and continued in Hittite, Phrygian, Kimmer, Scythian, Lydian, Persian, Hellenic, Pontic, Roman, Byzantine, Danismend, Seljuk, Ilhanli and Ottoman periods.


The King Rock Tombs built by the Pontus (M.Ö.333 - M.Ö.26) have survived to the present day and are among the monuments of the city.

Amasya, which was under the domination of Byzantium for 700 years, was conquered by Melik Ahmet Danişmend Gazi in 1075 and the first Turkish - Islamic Kingdom was established in this city.

One of the places where Turks moved to the first city life in Ottoman Anatolia was found to be Amasya and it was found appropriate to educate the Ottoman Princes in Amasya due to the fact that they had settled in Amasya and its vicinity and had a sheltered structure. Because of these reasons Şehzade Çelebi Mehmet Timur caused the Anatolian unity to recover from the Turkmen in Amasya and its surroundings. .


Şehzade Yıldırım Bayezid, Çelebi Mehmet, Şehzade Murat (II), Şehzade Ahmet Çelebi, Şehzade Mehmet (II), Şehzade Alaeddin, Şehzade Bayezid (II), Şehzade Ahmet, Şehzade Murat, Şehzade Mustafa, Şehzade Bayezid and Şehzade Murad (III) dates as the Governor of Amasya.

During this period, many cities in the city to grow the palace, fountain, madrasa, mosque, tomb etc. With its permanent works, the city has taken its place in history as a cultural center.
Amasya, who undertook important roles in the flow of history, came to the forefront during the Independence War and the plans of the Liberation struggle were prepared in this city.

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