
bart in ancient times, bartin and amasra in the Byzantine period, bartin and amasra in the medieval period, the bart in the ottoman period, the Republic period bartın January 1, 2011 00:00 00:01 source of the name of the bart ağ partheniasa b bartınasa da partheni ,os ve source of the name. parthenios; In the Greek mythology, one of the hundreds of gods who were the children of the gods of the gods, was the god of waters.

̇ waters water or magnificent flowing water ̇. In the ancient period, it is understood from the written sources that the city of bart is called as partheniha and it has become a bartını by time. bartın bartın'in the first owners of the bartin, m.ö.14.yy.da gaskas and m.ö.13.yy'de is considered to be the hitites, then settled in the bolu to be settled in the vicinity of the bitinyalıların paflagonya'l the reign of the border, they extend the parthenios so that the territory of the bart is located within the boundaries of these two sovereignty. the fringe of the bartyn in the bithynie area, the amphitheater in the paplagonie area, the Phoenicians; amasra (sesamos), heraklia, sinop (sinope) and tekkeönü (china) formed the first number of colonies.

B.C. With the disruption of the power balance in the 9th century, the Phoenicians and their associates abandoned the Amasra and Kromna. bartın and its surroundings, m.ö.7.yy. cimmerians at the end, b. century, the leader of the Persians, m. During the 216-year-long period, the Black Sea colonies maintained their status for a long time thanks to their perslon friendship.

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