TREASURE PLACES  AYDIN

tralleis today's intellectuals, according to the ancient writers of strabon argoslu and thracians have been established by the people. BC. During the 8th and 7th centuries, the northern tribes of western Anatolia migrated from Thrace to the western western and Menderes valley. Cities such as nysa and magnesia are known to have been founded by these tribes and they have already repaired the asian, the former name atria.

B.C. In 400, the spartans tried to get the intellectuals and the environment from the persians, but they failed. the first time in history, the spartan general thipron'un m.ö. The city, which was mentioned during the war of independence against the persians in 400 years, b. The intellectual who was saved from the sovereignty of Persia by the Great Alexander in 344 and later changed hands between the Hellenistic kingdoms, the Roman Empire until the end of the neron period called kurtar ceasarec ̇. In the 1st century, it became known as ”tralleis 1.. tralleis After the wars of magnesia in 260, the hands of the bergama kings.

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B.C. In 129 BC, tralleis was connected to the Asian province of the Roman Empire, and the king of the Pantus mithridates eupatoria rebelled against the Roman rule. After 88 years, he remained under the control of the pontuslular. B.C. In 84 BC, the city was re-connected to Rome. 26 was damaged by a severe earthquake. was repaired with the help of the Emperor Augustus.

changed to caesarea. important ancient cities such as tralleis, aphrodisias, miletos, alinda, alabanda, nysa, magnesia, amyzon, panionion, neopolis, mastaura, antioch, gerga, akharaka, harpasa, piginda, orthosia, phygela have been established in the region. The city, which was the center of the bishopric when it was under Byzantine rule, passed into the hands of Turks in the 12th century.

The city of Aydın was hired by Menteşe Bey in 1282 and it was joined by Menteşeoğulları. Turks, ch. As texier stated, they changed the name of the city to the beautiful city because of its sheltered and beautiful location, but they did not sit in the tralleis and established a new city on the necropolis on the southern skirt of the city.

Güzelhisar later under the management of the intellectuals and in 1426 by participating in the lands of the Ottoman Empire by ii.murat is an ensign attached to the province of Anatolia. An important cultural center of western Anatolia, the enlightenment was the scene of many riots in the late 16th century. In the period of the reign, the state became the state after the declaration, and in 1867 it became the province.

 the first railway of the anadolu is opened and opened to the operation between the intellectuals. It was occupied by the Greeks on May 27, 1919, and on 30 June 1919, the retreated city was occupied again. The city was liberated from the invaders on September 7, 1922.

beautiful name: xvii. century, but in the province of anadolu and the other menemen north of the two cities with the same name to be found and no confusion in the enlightenment of intellectuals, intellectuals in the sense of enlightenment in the meaning of the "intellectuals - beautiful" or "beauty - intellectual" is called. This name is xix.

century until the end of the century, has fallen to a beautiful fame. enlightened people, the name of a six-year-old es Güzelhisar bir as a fidelity in the name of a neighborhood of intellectual living. Güzelhisarı illuminated in 1811, the sancak, in 1826, the center of the newly constructed the province of the intellectuals.
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intellectuals today's 9th province republic of turkey, a modern city, with an open-air museum with its cultural and natural assets still maintains its historical function.

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